In preparation for our street party, the Hooley Residents Association have been in contact with Reigate and Banstead Council to try and find out who is responsible for cutting the verges around Hooley. Cllr Mus Tary has been very helpful with this information – thank you for this.
“Greenspaces have confirmed to me that the roadside verges that RBBC are contracted to cut on behalf of SCC were cut last week. The playground and surrounding areas will be cut before the Jubilee weekend. Please note most of the verges in this area are managed by Raven Housing trust, who have their own contractors who carry out the grass cutting. I have attached a map for your reference.
The red highlighted areas are Highways and in that area made up of roads.
The pink highlighted areas is land that the Greenspaces team cut, including the playground and surrounding area.
The Blue highlighted areas is land that is managed by Raven Housing Trust.
You can contact Raven on [email protected] or phone them 03001233399 to get an find out on their bits. “
Cllr Mus Tary, 17/05/2022
For information, I have contacted Raven Housing Trust to ask if they are able to mow the verges, a few days prior to our street party. I await a response. Watch this space!
Grass verges on Brighton Road near to Church Lane bus stop have been an awful mess due to housing development.
Pavements are sometimes inaccessible as they become blocked by vans & lorries.
On Thursday I had to walk in Brighton Road to get to the bus stop.
I have contacted the company in question apcbuilding services.
The director came the following morning and the pavements have been cleaned up.
The grass verges are still a muddy mess but I will be keeping an eye on it.