Following numerous concerns and reports of speeding vehicles, the difficulties in crossing for pedestrians and entering Star Lane in vehicles from side turnings and the number of ‘near-misses’ due to the excessive speed of vehicles travelling in Star Lane, the Hooley Residents Association support the need to install traffic calming measures.
We consider a very basic and straightforward calming measure, as depicted in these photographs would slow down vehicles travelling on Star Lane.
If one or, maybe two (maximum), of these measures were installed on the approach side to Brighton Road, the speed of traffic would naturally be reduced and there would be no significant impact on traffic flow up or down Star Lane and there would be no impact on emergency vehicle access.
This system works well in some neighbouring villages.
This would significantly reduce the risk of an accident and make it safer for everyone using Star Lane so, if you would like to see the speed of traffic slowed down through our village to make it safer for everyone, please add your name and details to our petition and we will raise the much-needed requirement for this traffic calming with the appropriate authorities.
Thanks for your support!